The Death of Karen Silkwood. Joyce...

The Death of Karen Silkwood. Joyce Hannam. Ref.328873

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This is the story of Karen Silkwood. It begins with her death. Why does her story begin where it should end? Certain people wanted her death to be an ending. Why? What were they afraid of? Karen Silkwood had something to tell us, and she believed that it was important. Why didn't she live to tell us? Will we ever know what really happened? The questions go on and on, but there are no answers.
This is a true story. It happened in Oklahoma, USA, where Karen Silkwood lived and worked . . . and died.
. Oxford University Press. UK. Año 2000.
Soft cover
Measurements (height x width)
12 x 20cm.
book status
In good state

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